Information for refugees
RefugeeHelp, Dutch Council & Red Cross Support
Useful apps and websites
- For translation, you can download Pryvit - Говоріть будь-якою мовою ( if needed
- Біженці (
RefugeeHelp is the online starting point for Ukrainian refugees in the Netherlands and everyone who wants to help.
RefugeeHelp - це стартова онлайн-платформа для українських біженців у Нідерландах і для всіх, хто хоче допомогти.
Dutch Council for Refugees
Can’t find your answer on the website Contact the Dutch Council for Refugees (Vluchtelingenwerk).The Dutch Council for Refugees supports refugees and asylum seekers from the moment of their arrival in the Netherlands until they have found their way independently.
They opened a special phone number and e-mail address to help Ukrainian refugees:
- Call: +31 (0)20 300 1414
- Email:
- Language: Dutch/English/Ukranian
- Available Monday to Friday 9-19h, Saturday 9-14h
Red Cross Support hotline for Ukrainian refugees
- Whatsapp: +31 6 48 15 80 53
- Multiple languages, including Ukrainian, Russian and English
Consultation hours at Municipality of Beverwijk
Do you need help or do you have any questions? The municipality of Beverwijk offers consultation hours. You can find us at the reception next to the entrance of the building at the Zuiderkade on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday from 9 to 12 AM.
Registration at the municipality
It is important that refugees from Ukraine are registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP) at the municipality they reside in. Refugees who can prove with an ID or passport that they are of Ukrainian nationality can register directly with the municipality. Ukrainians without (or without complete) papers should first go to the Ukrainian embassy in the Hague.
Schedule an appointment to register
If you aren’t registered in the BRP of Beverwijk yet, please schedule an appointment.
Registration is open for refugees from Ukraine on Tuesday morning and on Thursday.
Call 0251 - 256 256 to schedule an appointment.
Financial support and living allowance
Refugees from Ukraine are eligible for a living allowance. Adults and children receive €260 per month, per person (€205 for meals and €55 for other personal expenses). They can use this allowance to buy, for example, food, clothing and other personal items.
Additional allowance for refugees staying with host family
In addition to the living allowance, refugees staying with a host family receive an additional monthly allowance. This additional amount is €215 for adults and €55 for children. Refugees can use this money for public transport costs, to visit family or to participate in sports. They can also use this money to contribute to the costs of the host family, but this is not a requirement.
Report start of paid employment
If a refugee starts paid employment, the living allowance will be stopped. The refugee must report this to the municipality. The living allowance will then be stopped from the first day of the following month.
Report changes in personal situation
If there are any changes in the personal situation, e.g. leaving the municipality for more than 1 week, moving to a different place, a family member who has arrived or left, new bankaccount number.
How to apply for the living allowance
In order to apply for the living allowance, one must be registered in the Personal Records Database (BRP) of the municipality. On the website of the municipality of Beverwijk you can find more information and download the application form.
Medical assistance and health care
For urgent assistance in life-threatening situations, call 112.
Free health care for refugees
For refugees from Ukraine, health care, such as a visit to the doctor, is covered via the subsidy arrangement for urgent medical care for the uninsured. As a refugee you do not have to contribute anything yourself.
Not all health care providers (e.g. general practitioners) are familiar with this regulation. Our advice is to point out the website of the CAK to the care provider.
You can find more information on the website of CAK.
Health insurance
Have you found work in the Netherlands or did you successfully apply for asylum? Then you are obligated to take out health insurance in the Netherlands.
Health care
In the Netherlands, if you have health problems, you should always visit a general practitioner first. This also applies if you are pregnant, need medical advice or have psychological problems, such as sleeping problems, fears and long-term depressions. Only the general practitioner can refer you to a specialist, usually in a hospital.
Do you need help from a General practitioner (Huisarts)?
There are consultation hours on Monday and Wednesday from 11.00 tot 16.00.
Let the contact person at the municipal reception centre know and we’ll help you to schedule an appointment
Urgent health care after office hours
Do you need to see a doctor because of urgent health problems that can’t wait for a regular appointment?
- Call: 0251 – 265 265 (between 17h PM - 08h AM Monday-Friday and weekends).
- Visit: Locatie Rode Kruis Ziekenhuis, Vondellaan 13 Beverwijk - NOTE: you always have to call first!
Pharmacy you can only receive medicines with a prescription from a doctor
- Apotheek Donker. Address: Markt 45--49, Beverwijk. 0251 227 955
- Apotheek Plantage. Address: Plantage 162, Beverwijk. 0251 223 388
- Poliklinische Apotheek RKZ. Address: Vondellaan 13, Beverwijk.
Consultation office for children 0 – 4 years old (Consultatiebureau)
In the Netherlands, children up to 4 years old get special health care. The consultation office monitors the health, development and growth of kids 0-4 years old. They also offer a free vaccination program for kids.
Address: Trijntje Kemp-Haanstraat 37, Beverwijk
Consultation hours on Thursday and Friday from 13h to 15h
Folder Zwanger! | Prenatale en neonatale screeningen (Englisch)
In the Netherlands a midwife will usually care for you throughout your pregnancy and the birth. When you know you are pregnant, you should make an appointment with a midwife as soon as possible
Verloskundige Praktijk Beverwijk
Schouwenaarsstraat 2c
1945 SW Beverwijk
0251 - 249 290
When your baby is born you can get maternity care. The maternity nurse helps with the care of you and your baby. She may also help at the birth. Your midwife or obstetrician can tell you more about maternity care.
- De Kraamvogel tel: 088 - 77 88 500
- RKZ Kraamzorg tel: 0251-78 38 00
Mental support
Would you like to receive mental support? Visit the website and get in touch through email adress
They will get you in contact with a professional psychologist who can support you (mostly online) at a voluntary base. If necessary they can arrange a translater.
The following organizations provide information on COVID-19 in the Netherlands and give an overview of the current restrictions:
Covid-19 vaccination
You can get a free vaccination without appointment:
- Velsen-Noord ; Concordiastraat 28, 1951 AR Velsen-Noord. woensdag t/m maandag: 09:30 - 16:00 uur, dinsdag: 13:00 - 19:30 uur.
To get a free Covid vaccination you can also schedule an appointment:
More information
For more information on health care for Ukranian refugees in the Netherlands, see:
Overview of (free) activities in Beverwijk
For (free) activities you can join in Beverwijk, see
Free sports and play activities for children
- Monday - 18.30 – 20.30 StreetRuleZ (age 4+) Olieslagerlaan
- Tuesday - 15.00 – 16.30 Sportmix (age 5-13) Kuenenplein
- Tuesday - 18.30 – 20.30 StreetRuleZ (age 4+) Vlietgors Prinsenhof
- Wednesday - 15.00 – 16.30 Soccer (age 5+) Kuenenplein (April – Nov) / Cruyff Court, Huiderlaan Beverwijk (November – April)
- Thursday - 15.00 – 17.00 Sportmix (age 5+) Kuenenplein
- Friday - 15.00 – 17.00 Sportsquad (age 4+) Moezelstraat
- Friday - 18.30 – 20.30 StreetRuleZ, soccer for youth Cruyff Court, Huiderlaan
Music, dance, visual arts activities and lessons (for children and adults)
Centrum voor de Kunsten Beverwijk:
Animal Farm (the smallest animal farm of the Netherlands)
In Dutch libraries there is a wide range of materials for Ukrainian refugees. For example, there are free physical and digital reading materials or language assistance. You can also go to the library for a quiet place to work or study. Ask your local library about the possibilities or visit this website for more information:
- Address: Kerkplein 5, 1941HD Beverwijk
Learning Dutch
Every Tuesday from 10-12h AM in the library (Kerkplein 5, Beverwijk) you can get more information about the local possibilities to learn Dutch.
Learning Dutch online
All children up to the age of 18 have to go to school in the Netherlands. Regardless of their residence status. This means that Ukrainian children have to go to school too.
Video explaining the Dutch schoolsystem
This video explains Dutch secondary education, secondary vocational education and higher education. The video is in English: for children in the age 4 to 6 years
Children in the age of 4, 5 and 6 years old can be registered at any school in Beverwijk. Register your child at an regular school in the neighborhood. Primary schools closest to Zuiderkade 3
- De Sleutelbloem (Catholic school) Hoflanderweg 45, Beverwijk (1,7 km distance)
- De Wilgeroos (Roman catholic school) Wilgenhoflaan 2, Beverwijk (1,8 km distance)
- De Plataan, Heirweg 2-B, Velsen-Noord (1,9 km distance)
- De Bethel (Protestant-Christian school), Noorderwijkweg 92, Beverwijk (2,2 km distance)
- Het Kompas (public school), Drechtstraat 9, Beverwijk (distance 2,3 km)
After registering your child, send an email to with your child´s name and the name of the school where you registered your child.
School for children in the age 7 – 13 years
Children in the age of 7 till 13 years old can be registered at the Fakkel (newcomer education). Send an e-mail to containing the following information concerning your child(ren):
- Name
- Age
- Current address (Zuiderkade 3, 1948 NG Beverwijk)
- Contact information of the parent(s)/ caretaker(s)
- Languages spoken by parent(s)/ care taker(s)
The Fakkel will contact you for further procedures.
School for children in the age 12 - 17 years
Children in the age of 12-17 years old can be registered at the International School (ISK). Send an e-mail to
Daycare and after school care
Kids from 0-4 years old can be registered for daycare. For kids aged 4-12 years there is after-school care available. You need to register your child directly with the daycare organization. Please note that there are waiting lists for daycare and childcare is not for free. The service needs to be paid for.
Food, clothes & goods
There are lots of different supermarkets in Beverwijk, for example Vomar, Dekamarkt, Albert Heijn, Aldi and Lidl. There is also a Polish supermarket: Zeestraat 72, Beverwijk
Weekly market
The weekly market is on Wednesdays at Breestraat.
The Beverwijk Bazaar
The Beverwijk Bazaar (Dutch: Beverwijkse Bazaar) is a lively combination of 100.000 m² of outlets, shops, stalls, and food stands (see:
Open: Saturday and Sunday 10 AM-18h PM
Address: Montageweg 35, Beverwijk
Tap water
Tap water in the Netherlands is of excellent quality. You can just drink it.
водопроводная вода в Нидерландах отличного качества. Вы можете просто выпить его.
Водопровідна вода в Нідерландах має відмінну якість. Можна просто випити.
- With your Ukrainian ID, you can choose free clothing at the clothes bank (Kledingbank) every season (summer and winter collection). Your name and date of birth will be registered. Don’t forget your Passport. Open on Wednesday 12-16h. Address: Ambachtstraat 11, Beverwijk
- Leger des Heils has a store with very affordable (second hand) clothes. Open on Tuesday and Thursday 13.30-15.30h. Adress: Geysendorfferlaan 4 Beverwijk
- ‘Noppes’ is a thrift store just around the corner. You can find anything here; clothes, furniture, toys and much more. Address: Parallelweg 10, Beverwijk
- Breestraat is the main shopping street in Beverwijk (it is also the location of the weekly market on Wednesdays)
- At the Bazaar you can find lots of goods too
Card needed for public transportation
To use public transportation, you need an OV-chipkaart. You load credit onto the card. The OV-chipkaart is available at stations, in newsagents and at service counters. If you load credit, you can use the card immediately. An OV-chipkaart costs €7,50. You can also purchase disposable cards, but it is more expensive to travel.
Check-in with OV-chipkaart is mandatory
When using public transportation, you always have to check-in with your OV-chipkaart. When you reach your destination, you also need to check out (the fare for your trip is calculated based on the start and end point of your journey). If you don´t check in, you are traveling without a valid transportation ticket and you can receive a fine of 50 euros plus the fare of your journey).
For more information on the OV-chipkaart, see:
Train and bus companies
The train service in the Netherlands is called NS. Visit their website to plan your journey and see the fares:
The bus service in Beverwijk is operated by Connexxion, see:
A useful website to check itineraries and plan your journey is:
As a Ukrainian refugee you are entitled to work in the Netherlands. There are two important things to keep in mind:
- As soon as you find a job, it is mandatory to notify the municipality that you will start working. You can send an email to:
- As soon as you start working, you are obligated to get health insurance in the Netherlands and pay premiums. You might be able to apply for a healthcare subsidy.
Useful websites
The websites below can help you to find more information about working in the Netherlands: